Greeting Matsue
Just a quick touching base, wishing to return again …
This is a retrospective travel log about an island in the East and about a country called Japan.
Just a quick touching base, wishing to return again …
Strolling through one of Yokohama’s Western influenced areas. Looking for memories.
A first exploration through little Kyoto.
Faint echoes of something at the reconstructed Hosokawa residence near the castle …
Remains of the day and reconstructed memories. The dark castle in the South.
A cake from the West, a cake from the East
Up, up the hill … lies a villa, behind bushes of hydrangeas …
Breathtaking, melancholic view of a sparkling, imaginary jewel …
A brief visit to this temple complex that is surrounded by the sacred mountains of Katsuragi.
It is August, it is summer. But it is raining. Yet the sun flower fields are calling.