Ten Million Dollar Night View

Breathtaking, melancholic view of a sparkling, imaginary jewel …

INASAYAMA (Nagasaki Nightview)

Viewed from the heights of Mount Inasa (333 m) the city of Nagasaki at night sparkles like glittering jewels and is considered one of the three most beautiful night views in Japan. The journey is easiest by ropeway and at the top you are greeted by numerous gigantic TV transmitter masts and other antennas.

nagasaki ropeway
The base station of the ropeway retreating into the distance.

Here is some indication of what is meant by a beautiful nightview… (better to be seen live, may be in company):

nagasaki night view II
A view of Nagasaki at night (2nd attempt)

This army of antennas makes imagination run a bit wild …

TV and other antennas (memories of giant robots)