Dear Reader,

There is an island in the east …. an island of myth and beauty, of promise and of fear …

ISLAND IN THE EAST is part of my research project THE PROMISED PLACE. From August 3rd to October 14th in the year 2009 I traveled to Japan. It was an expedition to seek the fugitive country that hovers between mediated images, the narration of TV series and anime, personal memories and the everyday reality encountered. In some respects it was also the quest to seek out an unspoken promise of a place or space that might exist somewhere, the place of promise as such.

ISLAND IN THE EAST thus is a cumulative protocol of that journey and reports findings mainly with the help of fotos.

Since it is a retrospective travel blog  new entries will be added as they occured on the actual timeline rather than their day of official posting. Accordingly please check back from time to time and have a look around to find new postings …

Enjoy wandering around.

Best regards,


