New times are coming after the might of the tempest. Children play at the beach.
This is a retrospective travel log about an island in the East and about a country called Japan.
New times are coming after the might of the tempest. Children play at the beach.
Dogs are kindly requested to please not leave their droppings at the places indicated by these signs. Many thanks.
An evening walk with distant greetings.
After a day that started grey a spectacle in the evening …
Smelly times
Gate to the World
At the port event, unexpectedly, a giant spider was lurking – taller than a house, spitting out steam and swinging its far too long legs.
Strolling through one of Yokohama’s Western influenced areas. Looking for memories.
Commemorating the encounter with the Outside
I met some ghostlings at the park. They were hunting for oak marbles. Precious, precious.
Borders, Boundaries become apparent unexpectedly.
Low Clouds encountering the earthly everyday …