Twenty Billion Light Years of Loneliness

by Shuntaro Tanikawa

This is a poem that I found  … after the one on love that I encountered in Kanazawa.
It is a bit like a treasure hunt, it is that kind of feeling.

Twenty Billion Light Years of Loneliness

Mankind on a little globe
Sleeps, awakes and works
Wishing at times to be friends with Mars.

Martians on a little globe
Are probably doing something; I don’t know what
(Maybe sleep-sleeping, wear-wearing, or fret-fretting)
While wishing at times to be friends with Earth
This is a fact I’m sure of.

This thing called universal gravitation
Is the power of loneliness pulling together.

The universe is distorted
So all join in desire.

The universe goes on expanding
So all feel uneasy.

At the loneliness of twenty billion light years
Without thinking, I sneezed.

(taken from: Sweatshirtpoesy)

PS. Written around 1952, and I am not sure if it is 20 billion or only 2 billion light years of loneliness …

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